
Treating Adult Acne

Oct 22, 2018
Acne is just for teens, right? Wrong! This unsightly, upsetting and stubborn skin condition affects adults, too. If you suffer from the blackheads, whiteheads, papules and pustules common to adult READ MORE

Treating Adult Acne

Acne is just for teens, right? Wrong! This unsightly, upsetting and stubborn skin condition affects adults, too. If you suffer from the blackheads, whiteheads, papules and pustules common to adult acne, please consult your friends at Shady Grove Dermatology in Rockville, MD. The highly-trained team of dermatologists will help you control outbreaks for healthier, clearer skin.

Adult Acne

The reasons behind acne

Acne really is more prevalent during the teen years when hormone levels fluctuate and affect the sebaceous, or oil glands, on the face, neck, shoulders, upper chest and back. When these oil glands become plugged, they form comedones--red papules, pustules, blackheads or whiteheads. Blackheads look dark because of the presence of a skin pigment called melanin.

In addition, acne happens to people in their thirties, forties and beyond, also due to hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy and menopause. Obviously, then, women are more prone to acne than men; however, stress, and its associated androgens, precipitate acne outbreaks regardless of age and gender. Family history and use of certain hair and skin products factors into acne, too, says the American Academy of Dermatology.

Unfortunately, acne harms self-confidence. So, to avoid its spread, to reduce infection and scarring and to improve self-image, your dermatologist in Rockville advises professional evaluation and treatment of adult acne.

Treating acne

After a visual inspection of your affected areas, your dermatologist will recommend a care plan tailored to your unique needs. Typical interventions include:

  • Gentle, twice-daily facial washing (no vigorous scrubbing) with a recommended acne cleanser
  • Application of medications as directed by your skin doctor (tretinoin, or vitamin A, and benzoyl peroxide are common choices)
  • In-office extraction of cystic acne lesions (no at-home popping as this deepens scars and creates infection)
  • Topical antibiotics to clear the infection
  • Careful selection of hair and skin products (oily pomade typically clogs pores)
  • Routine washing of bedding, hats, and headbands
  • Keeping your hands off your face and other areas prone to outbreaks

Your best skin

You expected clear skin as an adult. You can achieve it with careful control of your acne. For a consultation on your acne and to experience the benefits of a routine skin examination and skin cancer assessment, call Shady Grove Dermatology for an appointment: (240) 246-7417. Our dermatologists are board-certified experts who can help you have your healthiest, most attractive skin.